

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in board games! Find out how they play and what is good enough to "Leave it on the Table"

The Lost Expedition - Review

The Lost Expedition - Review

After surviving many harrowing and potentially deadly situations, Ynes died deep in the jungle after killing a jaguar, and surviving an infected wound, just to die of exposure during a pounding rain storm.


Shortly after mourning the loss of Ynes. We lost our 26th President of the United States, Teddy Roosevelt, after he slipped off a cliff's edge during an impromptu jungle mudslide.  The entire population of the United States mourns his passing.


All that was left was the young girl,  Isabella.  She was wounded and tired,  but had the endurance and perseverance of Lara Croft,  the soon to be Tomb Raider.

Will she make ever make it to the shimmering Lost city of El Dorado?  Will she make it out of the jungle alive?


Stay tuned to see...


Well, no...


She didn't make it.   Actually,  she never even made it to the following morning, as she died of starvation while she slept at night.  Poor, poor Isabella,  well at least she went in her sleep.

The highly anticipated Roosevelt Expedition was never to be seen or heard from again, however future would be adventures to the jungle swear that they can still hear an authoritative American voice tell them to "Speak softly but carry a big stick..."

Plague Inc. - Review

Plague Inc. - Review

Hostage Negotiator

Hostage Negotiator